Why DEI Is a Big Deal to Data Holdings
The whole subject of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI for short) has become pretty controversial over the last year or so. Whatever the politics and your position on it, it’s here to stay in some shape or form.
The Forest County Potawatomi (FCP) is the sole investor in Data Holdings, having shown the vision to commission and construct a facility that in terms of security, compliance and uptime is equal to or better than any other commercial data center in the Midwest starting in 2012.
Under the umbrella of the Potawatomi Business Development Corporation (PBDC), they also own and operate other businesses including a construction company, an EV charging enterprise, a chain of convenience stores and a Federal 8a organization.
As a tribal entity, the FCP is keenly aware of the communal values expressed by the growth of DEI initiatives. Without an historically progressive vision of the future as relates to race and ethnicity, its Tribal members could not have realized their normalized status in American society and be able to embrace DEI standards and policies throughout its businesses.
The “D” stands for Diversity. Taken in the context of business, it ensures there is a wide variety of diverse characteristics in its workforce that does not place one above another. Every person is unique and should be given the freedom to express their individuality without fear.
Equity represents fairness. In all things, the PBDC operates policies that ensures its people are treated with justness and impartiality. People advance within the meritocracy and have equal opportunity to do so.
It is also Inclusive, making all efforts to make everyone feel welcomed into the organization in a friendly manner. By doing so the Potawatomi aims to retain valued members of its teams and enabling them to contribute to the long-term success of the Corporation.
For businesses that host their own mission-critical applications, Data Holdings offers a wealth of customizable alternatives ranging from full and complete infrastructure outsourcing to simple hardware colocation.
In turn, Data Holdings and the PBDC as a whole, guarantee that not only will the facility deliver 100% uptime to its customers, but its diverse team of employees will provide their utmost efforts to provide the highest level of services a commercial data center is able to offer.